How to Download and Activate PCMTuner Flash V1.2.7

How to download PCMTuner 1.2.7?

Go to to download new update complete with new pcmflash (PCMTuner Flash).

Remember to always run setup as admin and disable any strict firewall etc.

How to download PCMTuner 1.2.7

How to Activate PCMTuner 1.2.7?

Send email your pcmtuner ID to to get a registration key. 

1 the first time of you run the pcmtuner flash will display a code , pls ctrl+v send to us according to the notice
2 pls download the license what we send back to you
3 copy the license to here C:\Program Files (x86)\PCMtuner Flash
4 you can run the pcmtuner flash app now

notice: always save and backup your license
1 pcmtuner 1 license
1 pcmtuner most active on 3 laptops

activate pcmtuner flash 1
activate pcmtuner flash 2
The device ID can be found on the back of the pcmtuner hardware. For earlier machines that don't have device ID on the back, please contact your supplier to get it activated.
pcmtuner hardware ID

After you got license, the license name should be like this PCMtuner.license, if change license name, then it wont work

If get dongle only, send the dongle image along with the displayed code to us. 

If after copying the REG key for PCMtuner flash and you still have problems, please set the Language regional settings as per these Images

Change the language Unicode as world wide beta version, language Unicode as China simple (its Unicode not display language), then restart your laptop.

pcmtuner 1.2.7 change language setting 1
pcmtuner 1.2.7 change language setting 2
pcmtuner 1.2.7 change language setting 3

If get an error PCMTuner Flash Not Found, this is specific only if you have updated pcmtuner app and have the message cannot find pcmtuner flash
Do not install if you do not have this issue!

PCMTuner Flash Not Found